HERDAYS - Aeromatichealthcare


Discover HerDays Gel

Releif From Pain in Minutes

Herdays- Period Pain Relief Gel is a specially formulated essential oil based ointment that instantly relives Menstrual Cramps and reduces Period Pain (Dysmenorrhea) in minutes. It is enriched with all natural ingredients. You simply apply a nickel sized drop to your palm and begin rubbing it into sore and swollen areas to relieve symptoms from periods. You can feel relief and relaxation flowing directly from your fingers to your pain. and your body chemistry is unaffected. BUY NOW AMAZONE

Feel the Heal

Her Days is a Gel based natural Ointment made exclusively from Natural ingredients

Herdays is entirely all natural and safe to use for any woman regardless of the severity of her discomfort. It is especially helpful for women who are allergic to painkillers or have addiction issues with ingested painkillers.

Most women enjoy relief for many hours or for the rest of the day, and because this is an entirely all natural product applied externally, you are free to use as often as necessary.

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An all-natural solution that comes to us from deepest mists of time

Bad monthly feminine discomfort can be relieved right now with Herdays topical cream. Remedy for monthly feminine discomfort.Everything in Herdays is derived from plants.

Proven Results for Women of All ages

Girls as young as 11 or 12 years old begin their menstrual cycle and it continues up to menopause till their 40’s. Many of them fall into a habit of relieving Period Pain through pills which could lead to serious long lasting side effects.

Check Our FAQs Section Before Applying it to your body


Herdays- Period Pain Relief Gel is a specially formulated essential oil based ointment that instantly relives Menstrual Cramps and reduces Period Pain (Dysmenorrhea) in minutes. It is enriched with all natural ingredients. You simply apply a nickel sized drop to your palm and begin rubbing it into sore and swollen areas to relieve symptoms from periods. You can feel relief and relaxation flowing directly from your fingers to your pain. and your body chemistry is unaffected.

Period pain relief doesn’t need to come from a pill:

Girls as young as 11 or 12 years old begin their menstrual cycle and it continues up to menopause till their 40’s. Many of them fall into a habit of relieving period pain through pills which could lead to serious long lasting side effects.

Switch to Herdays Gel:

A quick natural way to relive pain through your own bodily process. Its triple action formula relives pain, reduces swelling and leaves a warming sensation. Your period is a natural function of your body; your solution must be natural too.

During the menstrual cycle, the blood circulation gets obstructed in lower abdominal area. A massage helps in improving blood circulation and getting rid of all obstructions. This results in smoother blood flow and reduces the stomach pain during periods. With the help of a natural pain relieving Gel like Herdays, you can reduce stomach cramps or pain in the abdomen. Best suited for women who:

  • Are allergic to internal drugs like Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen or Mefenamic Acid.
  • Cannot or will not ingest pills
  • Are seeking instant relief
  • Are looking for natural medication remedies for PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)


What is Period Pain (Dysmenorrhea)?

Dysmenorrhea also known as Painful Periods or Menstrual Cramps is pain during menstruation. Its usual onset occurs around the time that menstruation begins. Symptoms typically last less than three days. The pain is usually concentrated in the lower abdomen or pelvis. It is also commonly felt in the right or left side of the abdomen. It may radiate to the thighs and lower back. It is the most common menstrual disorder that typically starts within a year of the first menstrual period; often the pain improves with age or following having a child.

Why Period Pain Occurs?

During a woman’s menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens in preparation for potential pregnancy. After ovulation, if the ovum is not fertilized and there is no pregnancy, the built-up uterine tissue is not needed and thus shed.

Uterine Contractions: When the uterine muscles contract, they constrict the blood supply to the tissue of the endometrium, which, in turn, breaks down and dies. These uterine contractions continue as they squeeze the old, dead endometrial tissue through the cervix and out of the body through the vagina. These contractions, and the resulting temporary oxygen deprivation to nearby tissues, are responsible for the pain or “cramps” experienced during menstruation.


Medications that may help include NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, hormonal birth control, and the IUD with progestogen. These medications can give temporary relief but it could lead to serious long lasting side effects.


All natural: Everything in Herdays is derived from plants. We have made every effort to minimize the impact on the environment from transportation to storage to packaging.

Safe: Herdays is entirely all natural and safe to use for any woman regardless of the severity of her discomfort. It is especially helpful for women who are allergic to painkillers or have addiction issues with ingested painkillers.

Fast acting: As with any natural remedy, it varies with each person. However, the vast majority of women report relief within minutes. Most women enjoy relief for many hours or for the rest of the day. And because this is an entirely all natural product applied externally, you are free to use as often as necessary.

Absorbs quickly: Moves deeper into muscles to relieve cramps.

Triple action formula: Its triple action formula relives pain, reduces swelling and leaves a warming sensation.

Skin friendly: Safe for all skin types.


Bad monthly feminine discomfort can be relieved right now with Herdays topical cream. Remedies for monthly feminine discomfort should work fast. So why put up with pain in your abdomen, lower back, leg or breasts when you can get rapid relief?

FOR BEST RESULTS: Place a small dab of Herdays Gel in your hands and rub from ovary to ovary before the onset of cramps. Massage across your abdomen for a few minutes to really penetrate and begin the magic. Best used across abdomen, lower back and leg or anywhere you feel discomfort.

MILD CRAMPS: At the first twinge or onset of cramping begin to massage your Herdays Gel on any areas of discomfort and reapply every 1 to 3 hours or as needed.

MODERATE CRAMPS: Begin massaging Herdays Gel on the areas of discomfort a day prior to the onset then reapply every 2 to 3 hours or as needed.

INTENSE CRAMPS: Massage your Herdays Gel across areas of discomfort 1 to 2 days prior to your cycle. Reapply every 2 hours on intense discomfort areas.


An all-natural solution that comes to us from deepest mists of time

Winter Green Oil (Gandhapura Taila): A natural analgesic that gently relives pain.

Eucalyptus Oil (Nilgiri Taila): An anti-inflammatory that reduces swelling and bloating.

Menthol (Pudina Satva): Generates soothing warmth to penetrate the skin and muscles.

Work as a carrier for natural plant extract.


Step 1 :- Absorbs into skin

Step 2 :- Moves deeper into muscles

Step 3 :- Relives pain

Step 4 :- Reduces swelling

Step 5 :- Leaves a warming sensation


Women everywhere are discovering the wonderful relief HerDays offer.

Make sure it’s in your bag today!

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