About Us - Aeromatichealthcare



Promoters of the company has long experience of 35 years in pharma field and well versed with all the latest developments in Pharma industry. Aeromatic Healthcare The Promoters of the company are well educated in Bioscience and always remains aware about the changes and the development in the Pharma Fields. The dedication of the promoters towards the company and the customers resulted in to the fastest growing company in the fileds of quality injectable and opthalmic preparations

Quality Standared

Quality in our product is the main concentration area. We have the most experienced staff in production, quality checking and quality assurance. We have never compromized in quality issue and for that the company has developed the best in class and well equipped Micro, Instrumental, chemical and Stability study labs and all other facilities to produce world class quality products. In production area company is having latest single side feeding tunnel systems in all the sections in which the least human involement needed to provide best in class production. Aeromatic Healthcare also got various certification from the various Government institutions.

Why Choose Us

Aeromatic Healthcare is the company focussing on the quality production of the Injectables and opthalmics. The Company has very large range of molecules in general and critical care range. So we are the one stop solution for all type of quality Injectable products. And also our main focus is on the timelydelievries to our valued customers. As we understands the value of time and quality in Injetable world.

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